Butler City Hunting and Fishing Club Youth league. Youth members ages 8 - 18 interested in shooting archery, air rifle and shotgun contact Michelle Doutt at bchfcyouthleague@gmail.com
For further details call Chris Scott (724)355-2654 or Michelle Doutt (724)822-5243 or e-mail bchfcyouthleague@gmail.com. We would like to get an idea of how many shooters we will have so please let us know who is planning on attending.
Youth League
Our 23/24 fall/winter league season has started. Our season will be starting on Sunday, December 3rd with indoor archery (2:00-3:30) and air rifle (3:30-5:00).
We also were the recipient of a Friends of the NRA Grant which has benefited all of our Youth Leagues.
The winner of our Lotto Scratcher raffle was Denise Foertsch! Congrats!
Thank you to all who bought tickets for the raffle, came to our 1st Lucky Meat Shoot or supported us many other ways.
Find us on Facebook at ‘Butler City Hunting & Fishing Club Youth League’
Any questions can be directed to Michelle Doutt at bchfcyouthleague@gmail.com or 724-822-5242.
The Butler City Hunting and Fishing Club: Youth League would like to thank the Friends of the NRA for their generous grant. They have provided us with $2,100 worth archery, air rifle, and trap shooting supplies for the 2023 campaign. The Leagues benefiting from these donations will be starting soon. If you know of any youth between the ages of 8-18 who are interesting in joining any of these leagues, please visit the main website at bchfc.org or email us at bchfcyouthleague@gmail.com for more information.
Michelle Doutt - Youth League